Say Hello to the Civet: The Maker of this expensive coffee
The Cherries Are Chosen: A farmer in East Java, Indonesia , picks coffee cherries to feed the civets
A Whole Team at Work: Hand-Picking the CherriesThe Civet Approaches...
...Gets Ready to Dig In...
...And Is Joined by Friends for Dinner
Gathering the Dung With Gloves... In East Java , workers use gloves to clear the results of the feast.
That Ain't Peanuts and Nougat. Civet poop before it's turned into the coffee.
Separating It and Washing It Off
Another Step in Production
A worker displays the distinct, cleaned-off beans
The Very Expensive End Result Pictured: the above is Coffee Alamid, a Philippine brand. Because of a very limited supply is produced each year, civet coffee can cost up to $600 per pound.
Hmmmm.... imagine getting a human eating the coffee cherries and poop them out and then reprocess into Kopi Orang..... oh no!!!! Well the above is for info and it's up to individual I guess to evaluate.
Lots of Luv..... Mak Pah.
credit to my friend, Raslina....
eee yewww!!! disgusting kan . Tak sanggup nak minum kopi tu . Macam terbau2 je poop tu .. uweekk!!!
oh yes..i learn about this process and the coffee watching the movie THE BUCKET LIST. Si Jack Nicolson suka minum this coffee dalam cerita tu..hahahahaha. I thought it was a spoof..but really betul betul from this civet poo...betul punya pekat lah coffee ni ye..
PS : sorry semalam MC from blogging..Maaf ye..
OMG! eeeuuuwwww! agak geli lah sis dah tau pasal coffee nie...hehehehee and oso pelik tul proses dia kan :)
cybermummy - mmg tak boleh tertelan ya...
pearl - oooo do take care dear.... drink lots of plain water k... avoid coffee.... hehe
rasp - I pun agak terperanjat bila membaca... dan terbayang-bayangkan najisnya.... eeeee tak boleh tahan mcm nak termuntah!!!
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