Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vogue-U Potion - Train Track and Children

May Peace Be With You.......

The story here is quite interesting and really gives us an insight into Decision Making. Without realising it, Mak Pah noticed we tend to be quite stereotyped in making a rational decision which in the end could be disasterous. Read on to analyse the situation......

A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one track was still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, and the rest were on the operational track.

The train came, and you were just beside the track interchange. It was not possible to stop the train but you could make the train change its course to the disused track and saved most of the kids!

However, that would also mean the lone child playing on the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way????

Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make.....................

Analyse the situation.................

Think and reflect..................

Decided on your answer??????

Most of us might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one life.

To save majority of the children at the expense of only one child was quite a rational decision we would make, morally and emotionally..... right????

But, have we ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place?

Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was!!!

This kind of dilemma happens around us almost everytime....... In the office, in any community, in politics and in any society, the minorities is often sacrificed for the interest of majority, no matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how farsighted and knowledgeable the minority are.

In the above story, the child chose not to play with the rest on the operational track was sidelined. And in the case he was sacrificed, no one would shed a tear for him!

Thus making the proper decision is not trying to change the course of the train because kids playing on the operational track should have known very well that the track was still in use, and they should have run away if they heard the train's siren.

If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die because he never thought the train could come over the disused track. Moreover, that track was not in use, probably because it was not safe.
In fact, if the train was diverted to the disused track, we could put lives of all passengers on board at stake as well. And in the attempt to save a few kids by sacrificing one child, we may end up sacrificing hundreds more lives!!!!!

While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions that need to be made, we may not realize that hasty decisions may not always be the right one.
"Remember that what's right is not always popular........... and what's popular is not always right."
Everybody makes mistakes; and that's why many pencils have erasers on them......
Something for us to ponder.......
Lots of Luv....... Mak Pah

Monday, February 22, 2010

i LOVE mondays - Energy Spill : Kasihnya Allah pada wanita

May Peace be Upon You

A girlfriend of mine forwarded me this article and I thought its worth to share it in i LOVE mondays afternoon read....

"Keistimewaan yang Tuhan berikan kepada wanita terlalu banyaknya". "Kasihnya Tuhan kepada wanita!" Itulah kata-kata yang paling mudah digunakan untuk menggambarkan 'layanan' istimewa terhadap wanita dalam Islam. Sesungguhnya, tidak akan ada mana-mana ajaran, ideologi, isme atau agama lain yang dapat melayan wanita dengan sebegitu baik sepertimana Islam melayan wanitanya. Malah, kalau bergabung pun kesemua wanita yang cerdik pandai, berharta dan berkuasa di seluruh dunia ini untuk menambah hak dan pengiktirafan buat mereka, mereka pasti tidak akan mencapai taraf kemuliaan serta layanan baik yang Allah SWT tawarkan buat seorang wanita di dalam Islam.

Namun, ramai wanita yang tidak memahami hal ini. Lantaran itu kebanyakan mereka tertipu oleh nafsu sendiri dan merasa terkongkong dengan amalan atau larangan tertentu yang digunakan ke atas wanita Islam seperti amalan menutup aurat, larangan bergaul bebas, poligami, larangan wanita menjadi pemimpin dan lain-lain lagi. Mereka cukup takut dan gerun dengan kesemua amalan atau larangan yang dianggap sangat menindas wanita. Walhal kalau dikaji setiap satu amalan atau larangan itu, mudah sahaja untuk melihat hikmah dan kebaikannya kepada kaum wanita itu sendiri.

Lalu kita melihat apa yang diperjuangkan oleh pejuang-pejuang hak wanita ialah mereka kalau boleh tidak mahu sebarang sekatan dikenakan ke atas mereka. Tentulah ini tidak munasabah. Sedangkan manusia sendiri banyak membuat peraturan-peraturan serta larangan itu dan ini, atas alasan hendak menjaga keselamatan diri atau masyarakat awam. Contohnya, dalam soal lalu-lintas, terlalu banyak peraturan dan larangan yang manusia buat seperti jangan memandu melebihi had laju, tidak boleh letak kereta di garisan kuning, mesti berhenti apabila ada isyarat lampu merah, mesti hidupkan lampu selepas pukul 7 malam dan berbagai-bagai lagi. Kalau dalam bidang sekecil ini pun perlu banyak peraturan dan larangan, sudah tentulah dalam bidang kehidupan lebih memerlukan lagi, dan lebih-lebih lagilah kalau skopnya itu jauh lebih luas iaitu untuk keselamatan dunia dan Akhirat.

Tuhan sebenarnya sangat kasih dan memuliakan kaum wanita. Segala suruhan dan larangan yang Tuhan kenakan ke atas kaum wanita tidak lain dan tidak bukan ialah untuk memastikan keselamatan dirinya dan masyarakat dan sekali-kali bukan untuk menyusahkan mereka. Tetapi, atas hujah dan alasan apa dakwaan ini dibuat? Mari kita lihat satu persatu pengiktirafan yang diberikan olehTuhan kepada wanita, sama ada setara langsung atau pun tidak.
i) Gelaran bagi `isteri' di dalam Al Quran

Perkataan yang Allah SWT gunakan di dalam Al Quran untuk menunjukkan suami atau isteri adalah perkataan yang sama, sedangkan dalam bahasa- bahasa lain, perkataan untuk suami dan perkataan untuk isteri menggunakan dua perkataan yang berbeza. Misalnya, dalam bahasa Inggeris, perkataan untuk suami ialah `husband' manakala perkataan untuk isteri ialah `wife'. Sementara dalam bahasa Perancis pula, perkataan untuk suami ialah `mari' manakala perkataan `femme' untuk isteri.

Tetapi di dalam Al Quran, suami dan isteri tidak disebut dua perkataan yang berbeza `zaujuh' dan `zaujati'. Hanya satu perkataan yang digunakan untuk kedua-duanya iaitu `zaujuh' yang bermakna `pasangan'. Islam melihat suami dan isteri adalah pasangan, penutup dan juga pelindung buat yang lain. Mereka dilihat sebagai sepasang, bukan berasingan. Sudah tentulah ini bermakna yang kaum lelaki di dalam Islam tidak dianggap lebih mulia daripada kaum wanitanya. Apabila kita mengatakan sepasang kaca mata, sepasang stokin atau sepasang baju, tentulah kita menganggap mereka setara dan tidak dapat dipisahkan di antara satu sama lain. Dan sudah tentulah kita tidak menganggap yang stokin kanan lebih hebat daripada stokin kiri atau kaca mata kanan lebih baik daripada kaca mata kiri. Begitulah tamsilannya sepasang suami isteri di dalam Islam seperti yang tercatat di dalam Al Quran.

Namun, gelaran zaujuh ini hanya diberikan kepada isteri yang sama beriman. Bagi isteri yang tidak beriman, mereka tidak disebut zaujuh. Contohnya, isteri Nabi Lut dan isteri Nabi Nuh. Di dalam Al Quran, mereka disebut 'imraah', kerana isteri sebegini tidak dianggap pelengkap, pelindung atau penutup kepada suaminya.

ii) Pembelaan Rasulullah SAW Terhadap Wanita

Rasulullah SAW ada banyak menyatakan Hadis-Hadis yang menunjukkan betapa wanita itu dimuliakan di dalam Islam. Antaranya:

a. "Syurga di bawah telapak kaki ibu." Apakah wanita tidak rasa mulia dengan Hadis ini? Mengapa Rasulullah SAW memilih perkataan "di bawah telapak kaki" dan bukan "di dalam tangan" atau "di sisi" seorang ibu? Sudah tentu ini sangat menggambarkan mulianya seorang wanita di dalam Islam. Seorang yang faham tentu akan sangat memandang mulia, menghormati, membela serta berlumba-lumba untuk berkhidmat dan meng'hamba'kan diri kepada ibunya (dengan syarat segala yang dibuat itu tidak melanggar syariat). Tidakkah beruntung menjadi seorang ibu di dalam Islam? Dia tidak akan terbiar dan dipinggirkan, malah akan sentiasa dibela, dihormati dan dimuliakan oleh anak-anaknya.

b. "Orang yang paling baik dari antara kamu itu ialah yang paling baik kepada isi rumahnya, dan aku ini orang yang paling baik dari antara kamu kepada isi rumahku."

c. "Tidak akan memuliakan perempuan-perempuan melainkan orang yang mulia, dan tidak menghina akan perempuan-perempuan melainkan orang yang hina."(Hadis riwayat Ibnu `Asakir)

d. "Bergaullah kamu dengan isteri-isteri kamu dengan cara yang sopan. Kemudian bila kamu tidak menyukai mereka, (maka bersabarlah) kerana mungkin kamu tidak menyukai sesuatu, padahal Allah menjadikan padanya kebaikan yang banyak."

e. "Janganlah seorang mukmin lelaki membenci kepada seorang
(isterinya yang) mukminah, kerana walaupun ada satu perangainya yang lelaki itu tidak suka, tetapi (tentu) ada lain perangainya yang is suka."(Hadis riwayat Ahmad dan Muslim)

Demikianlah hak-hak istimewa seorang wanita yang diberi oleh Islam. Dalam satu masyarakat yang bertaqwa, kaum wanita tidak perlu bimbang yang mereka akan diperleceh, dipermain atau diperkotak-katikkan oleh kaum lelaki, sebaliknya mereka boleh yakin bahawa pihak lelaki akan sentiasa melindungi, menasihati, menegur dan membimbing mereka dengan ikhlas.

iii) Bahagian Tubuh Wanita Dianugerahkan Nama yang Mulia

Dalam tubuh wanita, ada satu bahagian yang diberi nana yang begitu mulia iaitu rahim. Perkataan ini diambil dari nama Tuhan, yang bermaksud `Maha Penyayang'. Sudah tentulah Tuhan tidak akan memberikan nama yang semulia ini kepada sesuatu yang hina di sisi- Nya. Sudah tentuTuhan akan memilih sesuatu yang mulia juga untuk dianugerahkan nama yang begitu mulia. Tuhan tidak berikan nama yang semulia ini kepada bahagian tubuh lelaki tetapi Dia memberikannya kepada bahagian tubuh wanita. Rahim inilah yang merupakan penghubung kepada makhluk. Di dalam rahimlah, wanita menjaga ciptaanTuhan dan memberi makan kepada apa yang Tuhan ciptakan.

Kaum wanita sepatutnya merasa sangat malu kepada Tuhan kerana memberi penghargaan yang begitu tinggi kepada mereka. Siapa boleh nafikan kepentingan rahim untuk kewujudan manusia? Anugerah rahim kepada wanita sebenarnya sudah cukup untuk membuktikan akan mulianya wanita di sisi Tuhan.

iv) Diberi Pahala yang Berterusan

Wanita disebut `kurang dari sudut agama', tetapi ini bukan bermaksud yang wanita itu kurang dari sudut iman dan taqwanya. Mereka cuma kurang bersolat ketika datang haid dan nifas. Namun, oleh kerana di waktu-waktu lain mereka sentiasa bersolat, maka sepanjang waktu haid dan nifas itu, Tuhan tetap memberikan juga pahala solat sekiranya mereka dapat bersabar dengan keadaannya yang tidak selesa itu.

Bayangkan seorang wanita yang baru melahirkan anak. Sudahlah digugurkan dosa-dosanya seperti seorang bayi yang baru lahir, diberikan pula pahala solat percuma sepanjang dia dalam keadaan nifas. Dan kalau dia sabar menyusu, memelihara dan melayan kerenah anaknya pula, makin banyaknya pahala yang Tuhan sediakan untuknya.

Aduh! Maha Pemurahnya Tuhan kepada wanita. Maha Baiknya Tuhan kepada golongan yang sering dianggap lemah dan terpinggir ini! Kalaulah wanita-wanita pejuang hak asasi itu tahu begini sekali ganjaran- ganjaran yang Tuhan berikan kepada seorang wanita mukminah, pastilah mereka akan meninggalkan perjuangan mereka. Tidak ada apa-apa lagi hak yang perlu diperjuangkan oleh seorang wanita mukminah. Yang Tuhan tawarkan itu pun sudah terlampau banyaknya.
150. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang kafir kepada Allah dan rasul-rasul-Nya, dan bermaksud memperbedakan antara (keimanan kepada) Allah dan rasul-rasul-Nya, dengan mengatakan: "Kami beriman kepada sebahagian dan kami kafir terhadap sebahagian (yang lain)", serta bermaksud (dengan perkataan itu) mengambil jalan (tengah) di antara yang demikian (iman atau kafir),

151. merekalah orang-orang yang kafir sebenar-benarnya.Kami telah menyediakan untuk orang-orang yang kafir itu siksaan yang menghinakan.

152. Orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan para Rasul-Nya dan tidak membeda-bedakan seorangpun di antara mereka, kelak Allah akan memberikan kepada mereka pahalanya. Dan adalah Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.

(An-Nisaa': 150-152)

Fi hifzillah - PearL

i LOVE mondays - AngPaos for the Tiger

May Peace Be Upon You

Gong Xi Fa Cai to all!! i LOVE mondays is now in the year of the Tiger!!!!..And happens to be the year yours truly is born ...

So as usual, I'm a sucker for these money envelopes and this year I went a little overboard. Not just going to the banks to collect the envelopes but roped in Shopaholic Mama to gave me hers too...Well, the images that is...

Lets have a run down.

CIMB Bank : Going away from the traditional RED angpao, it does have an elegance touch to it.

Maybank : Not the current year design but I got this at the Money changer. I quite like the size, suitable for the smaller notes but not so keen with the design. It could have looked better with just the calligraphy minus the oranges.

Public Bank Group : Another that I got from the money changer.

NTUC Fairprice : One of my favourites actually. Its fun, its refreshing and tastefully done.

UOB Bank : Predictable.....

DBS Bank : Another favourite!.

OCBC Bank : Somehow, the design seems similar with DBS... Coincidence I guess. OCBC gives a selection of design in a pack which is a clever thought. You could separate use a different colour for different denomination and still have a nice set of angpaos.

DBS Treasures : The more exclusive feel for the "upper crust"

Starhub : Now, this is my No. 1 favourite!!!! Whilst its not your traditional red angpao, the graphics still represents that Oriental essence with great colour contrast.

Starhub : Another from Starhub, although I still prefers the first design.

Singtel : A pleasant colour combination and the graphic works quite well.

Maybank : This one very functional. An envelope within an envelope. Very versatile. Just flip the inner slot to suit the occasion - Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Weddings....

So, which one is your favourite?

Have a prosperous Tiger year ahead. May you have abundance Wealth and lasting Health!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


Gong Xi, Gong Xi, Happy Chinese New Year to all our Chinese Voguerssss…………..

Since CNY is over the weekends, today mama would like to share some recipes that our Chinese friends out there can try for te CNY, not only for the Chinese, even others can try it too, tukar selera ape salahnye kan :):)

Chinese New Year Peanut Cookies :

Ingredients (yield 30 – 40 cookies)

300g peanuts, fried/roasted and ground until fine
200g castor sugar
250g all purpose flour
200ml of canola oil (use sparingly and use only enough to bind the mixture)
teaspoon salt
handful of peanuts, fried/roasted, halved then cut into quarter when still hot.
one egg white for the glazing finishing touch


Preheat the oven at 200°C and lay out 2 baking sheets with greased baking paper or silicone mat.

Grind the roasted peanuts till fine and put them in a large mixing bowl. The oil from the ground peanut will make them stick into lumps, use fingers to break them apart.

Sift the flour, salt and sugar into the peanut mixture and mix them together until well combined.

drizzle half of the oil into the bowl, use hand and knead the mixture together.

Pour the rest of the oil while still kneading the mixture until all the sugar melted and you can roll the mixture up into a ball without sticking to the bowl or your fingers. Then test it with a small lump of the mixture and roll into a ball between your palms. If it doesn’t crumble, then your mixture is ready. If not, add just bit more oil until you can roll them into a ball.

wash, clean and dry your hands. Sit down, turn on the TV and switch to your favourite channel and ready for some ball rolling action.

Scoop a tablespoon of the mixture into your palm, and roll them into small balls. Place them on the baking sheets.

Put a little quartered peanut on top of each ball, then glaze it with the egg white. Put in the oven for 17 mins or until golden brown.

Note: once cool down on the rack, put them in an air-tight seal container. Alternatively, you can store in any container with a screw top lid, then seal it with sticky tape for that authentic home made cookies look.

Shrimp Wontons Recipe :


3/4 lb shrimp (shelled and deveined)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon oil
1 teaspoon peeled, grated fresh ginger
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons corn starch
3 sprigs coriander (leaves only, minced)
2 water chestnuts, peeled and finely chopped
White pepper powder to taste
1/2 beaten egg (for sealing wontons)

Coarsely chop shrimp into pieces (not too small) and mix well with the above seasonings. Set aside. Fill each wonton skin with 1 heaping teaspoon of filling and seal the wonton skin with the beaten egg.

Boil the wontons in boiling water for a couple of minutes or until they start floating. Serve hot with ginger vinegar dipping sauce and/or garlic chili sauce.

Garlic Chili Sauce Recipe

4 garlic cloves

8 dry red chilies (minced)2 teaspoons of grated fresh ginger
Salt to taste

Blend the above ingredients and stir fry them with oil until fragrant. Set aside.

Ginger Vinegar Dipping Sauce Recipe

2 teaspoons peeled, grated fresh ginger

2 tablespoons of soy sauce
2 tablespoons of dark vinegar
1 tablespoon of chopped scallion

Mix the above ingredients and set aside.

Red Bean Paste Pancakes
(end the family dinner with a sweet note with this Chinese dessert pancakes)


1 large egg, lightly beaten
5 tablespoons all purpose-flour
51/2 tablespoons water
4 tablespoons canned red bean paste
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
Cooking oil for deep frying


In a mixing bowl, blend the egg, flour, and water together to form the batter. Divide the batter into 2 equal portion.

Put a smear of oil on an 8-inch flat, non-stick frying pan and wipe all over with a paper towel. Pour all but 1 teaspoon of one portion of the batter into the frying pan and tilt it to let the mixture run evenly to the edges, forming a thin layer.

Cook over low heat for about 2 minutes, or until it becomes a thin pancake but without any brown spots. Do not turn the pancake over.

Loosen the edges and using a spatula, lift the pancake to a lightly oiled plate or a flat surface.

Make the other pancake the same way.

Spread 2 tablespoons of the red bean paste across the middle third of each pancake, leaving about 1 inch at either end. Fold the near flap over the bean paste and the side flaps inwards and then the far flap over towards the center. Seal with a little of the leftover batter smeared on the edges.

Smear sesame seeds on the surface of the pancakes. Seal with the leftover batter.

Heat the wok or deep fryer (to 350 degree) and deep fry the pancakes until they turn golden in color.

Remove the pancake from the oil and drain on paper towels.

Cut each pancake into strips and serve immediately.

Longan Dessert/Longan Tong Sui :


2-3 oz dried longan
6 cups water
6 dried red dates
12 ginkgo nuts
5 pieces snow fungus (soaked until soft)
Sugar to taste


Bring water to boil. Add the dried longan, red dates, ginkgo nuts, and snow fungus. Boil in low heat for 30-45 minutes or until the water turns brown in color. Add sugar to taste. Serve warm or cold with ice cubes.

**all pics courtesy of googles**

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Vogue-U Potion - How Barbie Dolls Are Created

Praise to the Almighty, Most Gracious and Most Merciful

Most of us know about the famous Barbie dolls, but only a few of us know the history behind them. Mak Pah's cousin sent an email last week on how Barbie dolls are created, and out of curiousity, Mak Pah decided to goggle about these captivating dolls. And to my surprise history of the dolls went back in the year 1959. Read on what Mak Pah found in the net.....
The history of Barbie doll dates back to March 9, 1959, when Ruth Handler invented it. The doll which has been captivating the imagination of thousands of young girls throughout the world has completed fifty years in 2009. The name of Ruth Handler's daughter was Barbara, and it is believed that the doll is named after her. The doll was made up by Mattel, Inc. - the largest toy importing company and Ruth Handler was the co-founder of that organization. Today, Mattel, Inc. is regarded as one of the largest company in the world ranked on the basis of revenue earned, and Barbie dolls accounts to almost 80% of the total profit earned. Barbie introduced herself to the world at the American Toy Fair held in New York City. Sometimes she is seen as a symbol of American culture and sometimes criticized as the icon of the materialistic society. Some people also criticize her for representing the stereotypical woman. Her image as the stereotype woman has given birth to the term “Barbie Doll” which is used to describe a beautiful and attractive but conventional woman. Her popularity is still immense in the sense, even after 50 years, almost every young girl wishes to possess at least one Barbie doll.
Here's some pictures forwarded by my cousin on the process of creating the Barbie dolls.

Wow, looking at the process, makes me salute to the creator for the details and effort put in to produce them.

Lots of Luv........ Mak Pah
credit to my cousin, Wana..... muacks